A important thing is post good articles to your new blog,
If you a new blogger you may think to post articles by copy
from other blog.
But unique article is the best ways to make money online fast from your blog.
Always mind it copying is not a good idia! And it also harmful
for your site.
If you copy post from other site google will take your site
as spam, so never
Copy post. You can write a good articles by chose a blog
That about you know much. If you know about computer basics than you can create blog about
free computer lessons.
free computer lessons.
When I start my 1st blog I chose webdevloping and
computer science
Because I know much about webdevloping.
For writing 100% correct articles install Microsoft word.
After install open it and start writing if you write any
incorrect word
It will show red underline on the text so point the cares on
Red underlines text and click right button and show some
correct suggestion
And select the right one.
By doing this you can write a unique articles and
it will much good for your site site then copying from other
Unique articles is much good for up your site health on
So by the way try to write a unique articles and know about ways to make money online fast with the blog.
I would like to thank you for giving an idea as how to write a blog. I was always interested in writing a blog but dint know where to start from. Your blog has motivated me to create my own blog.
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