Friday, July 06, 2012

How to register a free domain,

Today I tell about how to get a .tk domain, have some premium domain but it will much expensive for new wap/web master. So we want free to start our first site. It will

Below, I will show you the steps to create your own domain and set it up to use with your wap/web site or server.

1st Step
First, go to, enter your desired domain, and click "Next".  If it's available then you'll be able to move on to step 2.  If not, you'll have to try something else.

2nd Step
We want free domain so select the free option, and click "Next".

3rd Step
Select the "Use DNS" button

4th Step
Now, we click “Your own DNS”

5th Step
Now, enter your server IP address into the two "IP address" boxes.  Enter a valid email address and then the captcha.  Click "Next".

6th Step
Next, enter your name and a password.  This step creates an account on the website so you can manage your domains.  Click "Next".

7th Step
You'll now need to activate your domain by clicking the link in the email they send and entering the confirmation code also provided in the email.  Be sure to check your spam folder.

8th Step
What up to 30 minutes for implementation.  After that, anyone should now be able to log into your server with the new URL.  You'll need have at least 25 hits to the URL every 90 days or the domain will expire.  If you need to make changes or modifications, you can log into your account at

9th stap
Now login to your server/hosting/free wapsite and park your free registered domain!
EX for wapka: login to wapka cpanel > setting > Own Domain and enter your domain name and park your free domain.

How to make a free mobile/wap site!

Hi, It is my first post in the i tell about how to make a free wapsite/mobile site.
let's start...
  to make a wapsite/mobile site 1st you want find a free wapsite creator,
like or
now i tell you how to make a beautifull wapsite!
first go to and click on registarion,
than it will open a new page, thera you can see rulse about wapka.
click on AGREE, continue.
it will open the register page, fill all the blank and submit it.
haha your wapsite is rady..
now you want register a free domain or can use wapka subdomain like .
you can get free domain from , , etc site. is best for use.
next day i will post how to register domain free and how to code your site!
here is an exmple free wapka site it's fully made by mobile phone
with opera mini. Also know ways to make money online fast from your wapsite.